A Family Man Read online

Page 17

  He had caught her using his pre-pay. That phone was for club shit only, not long conversations with her friends about their latest object of desire. As he had confiscated her own phone again after she’d run up massive bills on it, she felt what she had done wasn’t unreasonable. He, of course felt differently. As she had used up all the credit on the phone, he wouldn’t be giving her any cash to go bowling with her friends at the weekend. She had tried everything, yelling, crying and sulking. Deep down she knew she was wasting her time. She’d been caught out and was going to have to suck it up. Didn’t stop her trying though. Shit. She’d really wanted to go bowling. She sighed and closed her eyes. Maybe all was not lost; she had three days till the weekend. If she really, really groveled, he might cave.

  She opened her eyes as he knocked and walked in. “I’m going to the clubhouse. I won't be long. I’ll pick up take-out on my way home.”

  “Okay. Can we have Chinese?”

  “Sure.” He smiled and turned to leave. “I’d appreciate it if you could load the washing machine.”

  “Okay.” Amy got the distinct impression she was going to be doing a lot of chores over the next few days.

  ~ oOo ~

  Everywhere she looked were cardboard boxes. Shit, how was it possible to have so much stuff? Beth slumped on her sofa and ran her fingers through her hair. At least that was all of them packed and ready to go into storage. Friday would be her last day at work, and on Sunday she would be living in Seattle.

  They had agreed that they would need to find a bigger place. Joe’s apartment was really only designed for one, and as it was, Amy’s room was tiny. In the short term, though, his place would suffice. Beth grinned. She would be happy to live in one of those boxes, if it meant they could all be together.

  Joe checked the ID on his cell and grinned. “Hey, darling. You all packed?”

  “Yeah. I have so much stuff, Joe.”

  “You planning on cluttering my place up with all your crap?”

  “No. I’m planning on cluttering OUR place up with all my crap.”

  Joe’s grin got wider. He had always believed that he wasn’t cut out to be a family man, but now he couldn’t wait. For all those years he had only ever seen that astonishing woman as a kid sister. How could he ever have been so blind? Not only was she beautiful, she was smarter than anyone he knew and more compassionate. He had lost count of how many times she had dropped everything to take care of her family. Despite this, and her less than auspicious start in life, she managed to get herself a real education and a career. All without the help of anyone.

  “So what time does your flight get in?”

  “About four. I can’t wait to see you.”

  “I can’t wait to see you, either. I’ve got a serious case of blue balls.”

  “Too much information, Joe. Don’t worry as soon as I get to Seattle it’s something you’ll never experience again.”

  “Good to hear. I’m sorry, darling I’m gonna have to go. Gotta talk to Bugs. I’ll see you on Sunday.”

  “Sure baby. Take care.”

  Beth hung up with a smile. Joe had told her time and time again that she was too good for him, that she deserved better, but he couldn’t be more wrong. Their backgrounds were similar, although his mom wasn’t a junkie. Neither had a father, and money was always tight. They had taken different paths, of course, but even if she hadn’t got together with Joe, she would have probably quit her job. She had been restless for a while and wanted something more meaningful than putting together legal documents and running around after the senior partners. Her friends and colleagues had laughed and shaken their heads when she’d tried to explain to them that all she really wanted was a family.

  Bugs was already in church when he walked into the clubhouse. Barely acknowledging his brothers, he stalked through the building and took his usual seat next to his VP. “You wanted to see me?”

  “Yeah. Got a job for ya.” He grinned. “It’s got your name written all over it. Need you to weed out a rat.”


  “Salt Lake. How well do you know that chapter?”

  “Not well. I met the prez a couple of times on runs.”

  “Well you must have made an impression, cos he asked for you personally.”

  “Okay. Do you have any details?”

  “Only the basics. The chapter is usually pretty quiet, tends to fly under the radar. They run a junkyard on the edge of town and have been dealing in stolen auto parts for years, usually top end stuff for the luxury car market. Just recently, though, they’ve been taking a few hits. Couple of trucks got hijacked, then last week they got a visit from the local PD. Obviously that’s not so unusual and nothing was found, but normally they’d get a heads-up from their tame pig. This time though, he had no clue a bust was going down.”

  “So where do I come in?”

  “There’s been a lot of internal shit going on for a few months. To start with, King, the prez, put it down to a bit of posturing. The VP and Sergeant at Arms have had beefs in the past, but managed to get past it. But now it’s looking like the VP might be looking to break away. King isn’t a young man, but he does have the backing of his chapter. The only way he’d lose their support would be if they thought he no longer had control of his shit.”

  “He thinks his VP is trying to undermine him? That’s a dangerous game, and a big accusation to make.”

  “Yeah. You’re right on both counts. King wants someone with no links to the chapter to sniff around. He needs evidence before he acts.”

  “Shit, that needs someone with a more subtle approach than mine.”

  “Which is why Barney is going with you.” Joe nodded. Barney was a good choice. He had an open and friendly demeanor that belied a ruthless streak. People often underestimated him, despite his recent SAA patch. Between the two of them they should be able to get any information they needed.

  “Okay. When do we leave?”

  “Monday.” Bugs grinned. “I know you got the kid, but my old lady will keep an eye on her.”

  “Nah it’s okay, Yaz has got enough on her plate with your brood, I got it covered.”

  Monday. Shit! Beth was arriving on Sunday, and he was taking off the next day. Despite the fact that he felt like a complete asshole for dumping her like that, it never once occurred to Joe to refuse. He just hoped she would understand that his club needed him and he wasn’t prepared to let it down.

  Walking outside, he pulled out his cell and dialed her number. “Hey, darling.”

  “Joe. Wow, two calls in less than an hour, I’m honored.”

  “You won't think that when you’ve heard what I’m gonna tell you.”

  Beth hung up with a sigh. She knew that this was his life. Shit, she’d listened to Maria and his mom bitch about it enough, but she hadn’t expected him to take off as soon as she arrived. She had reassured him that she would be fine, and that it wasn’t a problem. And, truthfully it wasn’t. In the last six months, they’d done a lot of talking and she knew exactly what being with him entailed. They’d discussed everything from whether she should be involved in club life, (maybe in the future) to how she wouldn’t accept him cheating on her under any circumstances.

  At least they got to spend one night together before he went away. She grinned. They’d just have to make that one night count.

  ~ oOo ~

  Joe had never been big on public displays of affection. The only exception to this rule was Amy. And now it seemed her aunt was joining this very exclusive club. Standing in the airport surrounded by families with screaming kids, business types in suits and the usual flotsam and jetsam that passed through airports every day, all he was aware of was the woman in his arms. He buried his face in her hair, breathing in her scent and shifting uncomfortably as her body pressed against his. "Shit, girl. I'm gonna have to get you home. If I we stay like this any longer, I'll come in my pants."

  Reluctantly, they pulled apart and he led her, by the hand, to his truck.
r />   "Shit." Joe's jaw clenched as he stopped at yet another red light. It was beginning to feel like the whole world was conspiring to keep them apart. He'd got it all planned. Amy was staying at her friends and they had a whole night, just the two of them, before they were separated again. He was going to fuck her until neither of them could stand. That was, of course, if they ever got home.

  Beth grinned as he cursed the driver in front for driving too slow. "Relax, Joe. I'd really like to get home in one piece."

  "I'm sorry. But I've waited so long. And now this asshole is keeping me from fucking you. Move your ass! Jesus!" She reached out and touched his thigh and he forced himself to relax. "You have no idea the things I have planned for you."

  "Reckon I do." She grinned. The majority of their phone calls had started with 'what are you wearing?' And in the short time they had been together Joe had taught her so many things, not just about what he liked, but about her own body too. He was like an expert on erogenous zones and loved nothing more than turning her on. Briefly she wondered if it was his skills in inflicting pain that meant he also knew just how to give pleasure. She squirreled that question away till a later date. She knew what he did, but had no intention on dwelling on it.

  Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, they were home. Beth was barely over the threshold when he pounced. She gasped as he slammed her up against the wall, tearing at her clothes, his mouth on hers. Unceremoniously, he pulled down his jeans and thrust inside her. Later they would take their time to rediscover each other, but this was about months of pent-up frustration. It was fast and almost brutal. With her legs wrapped around his waist and his fingers bruising her ass cheeks, Beth felt her orgasm building. She dug her nails into the back of his neck as the heat coursed through her body and cried out as she climaxed. Joe following closely behind, unable to hold back any longer.

  Shakily they pulled apart. Joe frowned; tears were streaming down Beth's cheeks. "Shit, baby, what's wrong? Did I hurt you?

  "No, no. I'm fine." She smiled and rubbed at her cheeks. "Better than fine. I'm.... Wow. Shit, Joe." She reached up and kissed him.

  "So why you crying? " Joe pulled away, terrified he'd done something wrong.

  Beth laughed. "I'm not sure. Cuz I'm happy and that was the best fuck I've ever had."

  "That's just weird." He picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. "How 'bout we see if we can't top it in round two."

  Joe reluctantly opened his eyes. The weak morning sun told him he couldn't stay in bed any longer. He had a day's ride ahead of him and he and Barney had decided to make an early start. Wincing, he slowly dragged himself out of bed and headed for the shower. Somewhere around round four he had pulled a muscle in his back, which was going to make the next twelve hours or so unpleasant, to say the least. He gave a rueful grin; somehow he couldn't bring himself to regret it. She was insatiable. As hungry for him as he was for her.

  He glanced at the woman still sleeping deeply, a small smile playing on her lips. He had never regretted anything he had done for the club. As a soldier he had always gone where he was sent and done as he was asked without question, but right now he really wished he had said 'no.' He shook his head. Who was he kidding? The club would always come first with him.

  When he returned from his shower, feeling marginally less beat up, the bed was empty, and a delicious smell of bacon was emanating from the kitchen. He followed the smell and found Beth dressed in nothing but his tee shirt, cooking bacon and eggs. He stalked over and kissed her neck. "Hey, baby. You didn't have to do this."

  "I know." She turned and kissed him. "But I can't let you go out with an empty stomach." Joe deepened the kiss, causing her to moan. "Joe, you're going have to stop or the bacon will burn." She pushed him away, somewhat reluctantly, and turned back to his breakfast, giving him a view of her ass. He grinned. She was perfect from every angle.

  Beth leaned on the door frame and watched as he pulled away. It wasn't quite the early start Joe had planned. Their goodbye fuck had turned into two and it was only the constant ringing of his cell that had prevented a third. Barney was clearly getting impatient. As soon as he disappeared she turned and walked back into the empty apartment.

  ~ oOo ~


  While I'm away, help Beth around the place. Do not skip school, do your homework and do not fuck your aunt around. If I get home and find out you have been giving her shit. I will ground your skinny ass till you are 18.

  I'll see you in a couple of weeks.

  Love Joe. XX

  Rolling her eyes, Amy screwed up the note he'd left on the table and threw it in the general direction of the bin. Fucking Joe, even managed to give her a hard time when he wasn't there. Beth looked up from the pastry she was rolling. "You going to pick that up, sweetheart?”

  With a huge sigh, Amy picked up the note and dropped it into the bin. Maybe Beth wasn't going to be the pushover she thought she would be. Gritting her teeth she smiled at her aunt. "Beth, can I go to Paulie's tonight?”

  "Sorry, sweetheart. Joe was quite clear. You're not going out on a school night."


  "No buts. You know the rules, Amy. If you'd done your homework, you wouldn't be on report and you wouldn't be grounded."

  "Yeah, yeah." How many times did she have to hear this shit? Amy stuck out her bottom lip. "So how long am I grounded this time?”

  "Until I decide you're not."

  "That is so unfair."

  "No, Amy. Unfair would be grounding you on the weekends. Of course if you keep on giving me shit…..”

  "Fine. Whatever." Amy flounced out of the kitchen and slammed the door.

  Beth smiled and finished her pie. Joe had warned her that Amy would try to push her buttons, and to be honest she didn't expect anything less. She knew Joe was worried that she wouldn't cope. But after spending a lifetime dealing with first her mother, then her sister, Amy would be a walk in the park. As soon as the pie was in the oven, she knocked on Amy's door and walked into her room. Her niece was lying on her bed, texting her friend. "Amy, I know you're pissed. But you're really not helping your cause here."

  "Oh, so I'm supposed to be okay with getting grounded yet again, am I?”

  "No, sweetheart. But maybe you should ask yourself why it keeps happening. Are you struggling at school? Because if you are, I'm happy to talk to your teacher."

  "No. I just forgot to do my homework and Miss Jones is a bitch."

  "Because she put you on report?”

  "Yeah, she's always bitching at me. 'Amy, stop talking. Amy why are you late. Amy this isn't good enough.' None of the other teachers have a problem with me, but she's on my case all the time."

  "Can't imagine why." Beth chuckled. "How about you try turning up on time, not talking and actually doing some work."

  "Oh sure, take her side. You're as bad as Joe."

  "Oh, I think you'll find I'm much worse than he is. You'll never be able to wrap me round your little finger like you do with him."

  "Ha! That's a joke! I never get my own way with him. It's like arguing with a rock."

  Amy knew this wasn't entirely true, and although he would punish her when she overstepped the mark, she actually got away with a lot. Certainly not many kids got away with talking to their parents like she talked to him. She got the distinct impression, though, that if she disrespected Beth in any way, he'd come down on her like a ton of bricks.


  From the moment he arrived, Joe made up his mind that he didn't like the Salt Lake chapter. It seemed to him that they'd had it too easy for too long and had grown lazy and complacent. Security within the clubhouse was lax and they were actually storing guns inside. At the junkyard too, little was being done to hide the illegal activities that were taking place there.

  He and Barney were there under the premise that they were looking to patch into a new chapter. This way they could hang around for a few days and ask questions that would otherwise seem a little suspicio
us. Only King, the president, knew the real reason for their visit. Barney immediately threw himself into the role, bouncing around the clubhouse like a rubber ball, chatting to members and hangarounds alike. In a short time he was gaining everyone's trust, and it wouldn't be long before he'd know all about allegiances and rivalries within the clubhouse and beyond.

  Joe's approach, however, was different. He was friendly enough when approached, but he remained aloof, and it soon became clear that he preferred to be left alone. From his place at the end of the bar he could see the entire room and, quietly and unobtrusively, he watched and he listened as the people around him gave up their secrets without even knowing it. His glass of JD had remained untouched all night; he wanted to keep his wits about him. He could feel in his gut there was an undercurrent about the place, something corrupt and rotten was permeating the very walls. He could smell it. And it was only a matter of time till he located its source.

  There could be no doubt in Barney’s mind that the man standing next to him was a slimy piece of work. Samuel Dixon had been VP at Salt Lake for the past five years, and he was making no secret of his desire to take the gavel. In his mind having two new patches in his corner could bring him a step closer to achieving his ambition, and he was wasting no time in trying to get the Seattle patches on side.

  Despite the fact that the asshole was making his skin crawl, Barney had spent the last hour listening to him pontificate about why the club should not be dealing with these two-bit street gangs or anyone of color, or brag about how he’d put any bitch who stepped out of line in her place. Barney gritted his teeth and kept his opinions to himself. Dixon wasn’t the first patch to be racist, nor was he the first to smack his woman around. He didn’t like it, though. Not one little bit. He was no angel, and certainly, when it came to women, he wasn’t always respectful. But he considered men who beat women to be cowards, and he’d never had an issue with race. It wasn’t a moral thing with him. As far as he was concerned assholes came in all colors.